
評分4.2(280)·免費·iOSSince2017,WatchChatisthefastestandmostreliableappthatallowsyoutosendandreceiveWhatsAppmessagesonyourAppleWatch.,Tobeabletoreadandreplytoawhatsappmessage,withinWhatsappsetting,theSHOWPREVIEWhastobeON.Onlythenthewhatsappnotification ...,ProblemSolved!Uninstallwhatsappcompletelyfromyourphone-->restartyourphoneanddownloadwhatsappagain-->restartyourapplewatchinthemeantime...

App Store 上的《WatchChat 2: Chat on Watch》

評分 4.2 (280) · 免費 · iOS Since 2017, WatchChat is the fastest and most reliable app that allows you to send and receive WhatsApp messages on your Apple Watch.

Replying to Whatsapp messages on AppleWatch

To be able to read and reply to a whatsapp message, within Whatsapp setting, the SHOW PREVIEW has to be ON. Only then the whatsapp notification ...

Whatsapp replies sent from Apple Watch no…

Problem Solved! Uninstall whatsapp completely from your phone --> restart your phone and download whatsapp again --> restart your apple watch in the meantime -- ...

About WhatsApp for Apple Watch

Tap Suggestions to immediately send a reply. Or, write on the watch with your finger. Or, tap the microphone to dictate a reply.

How to use Whatsapp from your Apple Watch

The first thing you need to do to read and reply to all your Whatsapp messages from your Apple Watch is to have notifications enabled.

Do any of you successfully use WhatsApp on your Apple Watches?

The only feature that works is if you mirror the notifications from the phone to the watch, you can respond to notifications with text. However ...

You can use WhatsApp on Apple Watch — here's how to set it up

When the notification pops up on your watch, you can reply using one of the suggested messages like 'Hello', 'What's Up?, 'OK', or 'On my way' — ...

WhatsApp on Apple Watch explained

1. Go to the received WhatsApp message notification on the Apple Watch. · 2. Tap Reply. · 3. Scroll down and choose one of the custom responses. Get WhatsApp notifications on... · Reply to WhatsApp messages...

Apple Watch 9

Want to receive and reply to WhatsApp messages directly from your Apple Watch 9? This guide shows you how to get WhatsApp notifications, ...

How To Reply To WhatsApp Messages On Apple Watch 8 Ultra 7 ...

In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll show you the ultimate guide to efficiently replying to WhatsApp messages right from your Apple Watch!

五分鐘看完今年 Apple 新機發表會

五分鐘看完今年 Apple 新機發表會

今天凌晨的Apple發表會發表了全新的AppleWatch 以及大家最期待的iPhone7,其中帶來了許多新的功能和改變,但令人最開心的莫過於台灣終於擠進了首波銷售的國家。如果你錯過了昨晚的發表會內容,沒關係!《硬是要...